Sunday, September 6, 2009

My opinion

Several people have asked me my opinion on a subject recently and I thought I would put a post up about it. The question is in relation to the recent release of some photo by the associated press showing a young Marine dying in Afghanistan. The main question being what do I think about it. My answer is this,would any of you or anyone in my family want to see a picture of me as I lay dying somewhere. I don't think so or I certainly would hope not. Now do I think that the military and the government have been avoiding pictures like this to help sort of sanitize the war for the people back home. I would have to say yes. But I think there are other ways to show the human side of these wars other than posting pictures of U.S. soldiers wounded or dying. I for one believe there should be more coverage of Dover Air Force Base when the flag draped coffins come home, or asking the families of the fallen if they can be present for the soldiers funerals. Personally I think it was irresponsible of them to post that picture especially in the light of the fact that the family asked them not too. Imagine being the family or friends of Nick Berg whose head was cut off, while he was still alive, early in the war in Iraq and knowing that there was a video of it up on the web for anyone to see. I just think there has to be a better way to show the sacrifices these folks make besides posting their deaths in a picture or video for all to see. That's just my 2 cents.


lexie larrick said...

dude, i was somewhere where i didn't have this web address, but wanted to look at the blog on my blackberry, so i googled what i remembered of the address and there you were! you can officially be googled! that's awesome.

joshman said...

thanks for all the info and for the good laughs too. please stay as safe as you can bro!